Tuesday, May 7, 2013


   You know when you're so emotionally sick, it turns to physical sickness?

Yeah well I think that's what I have.

An achey head from too many racing thoughts.
A body that feels as though its gotten hit by a bus because the only thing you've done all month is lay in bed.
A throat that's on fire from that tightness you feel from holding back tears all the time.

Maybe I'm the only one who this happens to, I dunno. All I know is I feel like death.

I'm not sad anymore, I'm actually quite happy and content with life right now, it's just the physicality catching up with me from these last months of struggling.

School? Yeah, I couldn't handle it.
I just wrapped myself in a Stephanie blanket burrito, sat outside listening to the thunder and rain drops, and drink tea.

So I had plans to preform at an open mic night tonight with my good friend Aaron Kennedy,

So much for that...

I sound so terrible right now, It's such a struggle to squeeze the notes through my vocal chords.

I was so freaking pumped and ready to finally sing infront of people!

Yesterday, Aaron was the first person ever outside of my family to really actually hear me sing.

I was, and still am SO ready and feeling confident to sing for other people now!

But no. My body hates me.

Thank you so much for the terrible timing immune system.

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